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What Is PTSD And How Do You Get Better?

Writer: Tina Belt, L.Ac. Dipl OMTina Belt, L.Ac. Dipl OM

A man with PTSD suffering from anxiety and depression

You might associate PTSD with veterans, but you can develop PTSD from a wide range of traumatic experiences. You might have PTSD from witnessing a violent event, experiencing a natural disaster, or even going through a traumatic childbirth.


How do you know you have PTSD? Many people don’t realize they have PTSD until speaking with a licensed practitioner about their experience.


Common signs of PTSD include feeling on edge or tense, having negative emotions like anger and guilt, avoiding feelings related to the event, and even physical symptoms like headaches and stomach problems.


If you’ve been experiencing these symptoms after going through a traumatic event- you’re not alone. Your body is reacting to the stress from the experience and doing its best to work through the emotions.


How does PTSD develop?

Some people develop PTSD after experiencing a traumatic event while others don’t. Symptoms may last a month but sometimes last for years.


The pathways in your brain are like sled tracks in the snow. When you go through a traumatic event, it creates a path in the snow with tracks that can be followed again.


When you send a sled down this path multiple times, it makes the tracks deeper. The deeper the tracks get, the easier it is to go down the same path… and the more difficult it is to move onto a different path.


PTSD is like the deep tracks in the snow, the traumatic event creates a new pathway in your brain that creates emotional stress and difficult symptoms.


The more you think about this event, or the more difficult the experience, the easier it becomes for your mind to go back to that traumatic place. The more often you go there, the deeper the tracks become.


How do you help PTSD?

There are multiple options for helping PTSD. These treatments are like fresh snowfall over the sled tracks, making it easier for you to form new, healthier pathways.


One approach is to utilize talk therapy and emotional work to overcome the negative feelings associated with the event. While it can be difficult to talk about painful experiences, fully feeling the emotions are often the best way to heal from them.


Having a trusted, empathetic practitioner who can talk to you through your feelings and support you through processing your emotions is crucial to overcoming PTSD. At Good Needles, Tina Belt is experienced in emotional work that can help you overcome your PTSD.


Energy work is also an effective option for helping PTSD. When experiencing a traumatic event, the energy in your body becomes blocked, leading to difficult symptoms and feelings.


Clairvoyant work can be used to help remove blockages placed by traumatic events. This will allow your energy to flow smoothly again, making it easier to process your feelings toward the event.


Energy work is another technique used by Good Needles to help you overcome difficult experiences and emotions. Combining energy work and emotional work can provide powerful results that make it easier to understand and process your traumatic event.


While talk therapy is important, using other techniques alongside this treatment can help give you longer lasting, effective results. Acupuncture can help bring your body and emotions back into balance, especially after stirring up negative feelings.


Acupuncture taps into your body’s electromagnetic field in charge of the vital energy flow that controls your mental and physical health. When your vital energy becomes blocked from a traumatic experience, you will feel unwell both emotionally and physically.


This is why physical symptoms like headaches, dizziness, or stomach pain may arise with PTSD. While the pain you’re experiencing is emotional, your body can also manifest it physically if strong enough.


Stirring up negative emotions is crucial for overcoming a traumatic event, but often feels very uncomfortable or even unbearable. Bringing your body back into balance after talking or thinking about the event will make the recovery process easier.


You’re not alone

Many people with PTSD feel alone or withdrawn from their life. You have people who love and care for you who want to see you feel like yourself again.


It may feel out of reach now, but this is possible.


If you’re struggling with PTSD, give us a call. Good Needles can help identify what you need to heal and support you along your journey toward recovery.



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